COSC 3300 Networks and Internets

Course Syllabus: Lectures
Office Hours
Grading Policy
Course Instructor: Dennis Brylow
Email: brylow at mscs dot mu dot edu
Office: CU 380

MWF 2:00pm - 2:50pm, EC 123
Laboratory Sections
Friday 2:50pm - 3:50pm, CU 410
Office Hours
Dennis Brylow
Mon/Tue 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Wed 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Thu 7:00pm - 8:00pm
MSCS Department Logo


CNAI Textbook Cover
Computer Networks And Internets,
5th edition.
Douglas Comer.
Prentice Hall.
ISBN 0-13-606127-3.
Readings will be regularly assigned from the textbook.
Lectures will assume that students have already read the assigned chapters.
In addition, some homework problems may be assigned out of the book.
Some of these problems also make excellent exam questions.

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Understand and describe the concepts, terminology, and technologies that form the basis for digital communications in individual networks and the global Internet,
  • Understand and use the TCP/IP suite of network protocols,
  • Read, write, run, and test basic network applications.
  • Course Policies

    Grades will be calculated using the following formula:
    Projects 50%
    Pop (Reading) Quizzes 10%
    Midterm Exam 20%
    Final Exam 20%
  • Students must pass BOTH the practical portion of the grade (homework and labs,) AND and the exam portion of the grade to pass the course overall.
  • Assignments are to be completed individually, except when specifically noted otherwise. You may discuss course topics with your collegues, but written work and programmed code is not to be shared.
  • Academic dishonesty (claiming another person's work as your own) will not be tolerated. Infractions will result in immediate failure of the course, and referral to the Dean's office.
  • If you are not certain what constitutes fair play and what will be considered academic dishonesty, please ask the instructor.
  • Homework will consist of substantial design and implementation projects, often with a week or more lead time. Students who wait until a few days before the deadline to begin the homework will typically not succeed.
  • Late work will not normally be accepted for grading. Students are expected to observe deadlines and follow submission instructions precisely.
  • Schedule

    Week    Topics Readings Notes/Demos Assignments
    01 Introduction Ch 1,2 hex.c
    02 Network Programming Ch 3 HW #1: Echo and Chat
    03 Internet Applications Ch 4 HW #2: File Transfer
    04 Data Communications Ch 5,6 HW #3
    05 Data Communications Ch 7,8,9
    06 Data Communications Ch 10,11,12 HW #4: Packet Capture
    07 Packet Switching Ch 13,14
    08 Packet Switching
    Midterm Break
    Ch 15 Midterm Exam
    09 Packet Switching Ch 16,17 HW #5: ARP
    10 Packet Switching Ch 18,19 HW #6: Ping
    11 Internetworking Ch 20,21
    12 Internetworking Ch 22,23
    13 Internetworking
    Thanksgiving Break
    Ch 24 Break
    14 Internetworking Ch 25,26 HW #7: Routes
    15 VoIP Ch 27,29 HW #8: Forwarding
    (16) Final Exam Week Final Exam
    The instructor reserves the right to adjust this schedule as necessary.

    [Revised 2010 Sep 06 17:47 DWB]